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infrastructure in ireland

  • Transportation: Ireland has an extensive road network connecting major cities and towns, along with several motorways and national roads. Public transportation, such as buses and trains, serves urban and rural areas, providing efficient links between cities. Major airports in Dublin, Cork, Shannon, and other cities facilitate international travel.
  • Energy: Ireland has been gradually transitioning towards renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. This shift aims to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and promote sustainability.
  • Telecommunications: The country has a well-developed telecommunications network, enabling widespread access to internet and mobile services.
  • Housing: The housing market in Ireland has experienced challenges, with demand often outstripping supply in urban areas, leading to issues such as housing affordability and homelessness.

why study in ireland?

  • Great educational system Ireland has a long and illustrious history in the field of education, and its universities are frequently listed among the best in the world. In reality, the QS World University Rankings places 7 Irish universities among the top 500 universities in the world.
  • No language barrier: Since English is Ireland’s national language, you won’t have to worry about them while studying there. For students who are not fluent in other languages, this makes it a fantastic option.
  • Friendly and safe: Ireland has a very low crime rate and is a highly safe country. You will feel at home here because Irish people are recognized for being warm and inviting.
  • Affordable cost of living: Ireland has a relatively cheap cost of living when compared to other European nations. This entails financial savings on living expenditures like rent and tuition.
  • Possibilities for part-time employment: In Ireland, international students are permitted to work part-time for up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and 40 hours per week during the vacation period. You have the chance to do this and make some extra money to help support yourself while you’re in school.
  • Strong work market: Thanks to the presence of numerous multinational corporations, Ireland has a strong job market. This indicates that following graduation, there are lots of job chances for international students.
Ireland is a fantastic choice if you’re seeking for a top-notch education in a welcoming setting. Ireland is the ideal location for studying abroad due to its top-notch universities, affordable cost of living, and welcoming population.

types of degrees and their durations in ireland

The Irish education system offers a variety of qualifications and degrees, which are classified into different levels on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). The NFQ is a system that measures and compares the learning standards and achievements of qualifications in Ireland and internationally.
Here are the main types of qualifications and degrees offered in Ireland, along with their typical durations:
  • Ordinary Bachelor’s degree (Level 7): This is a three-year degree that is typically awarded in a general field of study, such as Arts, Business, or Science.
  • Honours Bachelor’s degree (Level 8): This is a four-year degree that is typically awarded in a more specialized field of study, such as Engineering, Medicine, or Law.
  • Higher Diploma (Level 8): This is a one-year postgraduate degree that is typically awarded in a professional field, such as Teaching or Nursing.
  • Master’s degree (Level 9): This is a two-year postgraduate degree that is typically awarded in a research-based field, such as Economics or History.
  • Doctorate (Level 10): This is a three-to-four-year postgraduate degree that is awarded in a highly specialized field, such as Physics or Chemistry.

other qualifications in ireland

In addition to these traditional qualifications, there are also a number of other types of qualifications offered in Ireland, such as:
  • Foundation degrees: These are one-year courses that are designed to prepare students for undergraduate study.
  • Postgraduate certificates: These are one-year courses that are typically awarded in a professional field, such as Accounting or Marketing.
  • Professional doctorates: These are three-to-four-year postgraduate degrees that are awarded in a professional field, such as Medicine or Law.

intakes and important dates for international students in ireland

There are two main intakes available to study in Ireland:
  • Autumn intake: This is the main intake for most undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Ireland and generally starts in September or October every year.
  • Spring intake: Few institutions also offer a second intake in January or February, mostly for postgraduate programs. However, this intake is usually for a few number of courses only.
The important dates for each intake will vary depending on the institution and the course. However, in general, the following dates are a good starting point:
Autumn intake:
  • Application deadline: April-May
  • Start date: September-October
Spring intake:
  • Application deadline: October-November
  • Start date: January-February
It is important to check with the specific institution you are interested in to learn about their specific intake dates and deadlines.

requirements for qualifications in ireland

The specific requirements for each type of qualification will vary depending on the institution and the course. However, in general, students will need to have a good Leaving Certificate (LC) or equivalent qualification in order to be accepted onto a degree course in Ireland.

study visa requirements for international students in ireland

Ireland is a popular destination for international students due to its world-class universities, friendly people, and affordable cost of living. However, in order to study in Ireland, you will need to obtain a study visa. Here are the study visa requirements for international students in Ireland:
  • Valid passport: Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond the end of your intended stay in Ireland.
  • Letter of acceptance from an Irish university or college: This letter must confirm that you have been accepted to study at a recognized institution in Ireland.
  • Proof of financial support: You must show that you have enough money to support yourself and your dependants while you are in Ireland. The amount of money required varies depending on your circumstances, but it is generally around €7,000 per year.
  • Medical insurance: You must have comprehensive medical insurance that covers you for the duration of your stay in Ireland.
  • Visa application form: You can download the visa application form from the Irish Immigration Service website.
  • Two passport-sized photographs: Your photographs must be taken within the last 6 months and must meet the requirements of the Irish Immigration Service.
  • Recent bank statement: This should show that you have enough money to support yourself and your dependants while you are in Ireland.
  • Letter from your bank: This letter should confirm that you have a bank account with sufficient funds to support yourself and your dependants while you are in Ireland.
  • Letter from your employer: If you are currently employed, you will need a letter from your employer stating that you are employed and that you will be continuing your employment after you return from Ireland.
  • Criminal record check: If you have ever been convicted of a crime, you will need to provide a criminal record check from your home country.

steps to apply for a study visa in ireland

Here are the steps on how to apply for a study visa in Ireland:
  • Complete the visa application form: You can download the visa application form from the Irish Immigration Service website.
  • Pay the visa application fee: The visa application fee is €300.
  • Submit your application: You can submit your application in person at an Irish embassy or consulate, or you can submit it by mail.
  • Provide supporting documents: You will need to provide the following supporting documents with your application.
  • Attend a visa interview: You may be required to attend a visa interview at an Irish embassy or consulate.
  • Wait for a decision: The processing time for a study visa application is typically 8 weeks.
  • Once your visa application has been approved, you will be issued a visa sticker that you will need to affix to your passport. You will also be given a letter confirming your visa approval.
  • With your visa in hand, you are now ready to start your studies in Ireland!

education system in ireland

  • Primary Education: Primary education is compulsory and typically covers children aged 4 to 12 years. It focuses on providing a strong foundation in core subjects such as English, Irish, Mathematics, and various other subjects.
  • Secondary Education: Secondary education is provided to students aged 12 to 18 years. It includes Junior Cycle (lower secondary) and Senior Cycle (upper secondary). In the Senior Cycle, students can choose from a range of subjects, including science, arts, business, and languages. They also have the option to pursue the Leaving Certificate, which is an important qualification for further education or employment.
  • Tertiary Education: Ireland has several universities, institutes of technology, and other higher education institutions offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields. The country is known for its quality education and attracts international students.
  • Vocational Training: Ireland also offers vocational training and apprenticeship programs to equip students with practical skills for specific trades or industries.

top universities in ireland

Top universities in Ireland as per 2023, according to the QS World University Rankings:
S. No.
University Name
QS Ranking 2024
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin
University College Dublin
University of Galway
University College Cork
University of Limerick
Dublin City University

These universities offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and are known for their high quality of education, research, and facilities. They also have a strong international reputation, and attract students from all over the world.

Here are some of the factors that were considered when ranking these universities:

  • Academic reputation
  • Employer reputation
  • Faculty student ratio
  • International student ratio
  • Research impact
  • Citations per faculty
  • Industry income
  • Student satisfaction

eligibility requirements to study in ireland as an international student

Depending on the institution and the level of study, different international students must meet different eligibility requirements to study in Ireland. However, a few of the standard admission requirements are as follows:

  • Academic requirements: International students must have successfully finished secondary school or have obtained an equivalent certification. Many institutions need a minimum score of 60% on the qualifying test, however exact requirements will vary based on the programme and institution.
  • English language competence is a requirement for international students who wish to pursue academic studies in Ireland. The Irish Immigration Service has established a minimum requirement for visa applications that is equal to an IELTS score of 6.0.
  • Financial assistance: International students coming to Ireland to study must demonstrate that they have the means to support themselves and any dependents while there. Usually, evidence for this is shown in the form of bank statements, scholarship offers, or parental assistance.
  • Health coverage: While studying abroad in Ireland, international students are required to carry health insurance. The insurance must be current and cover all medical expenses, including hospitalization, for the duration of the student’s visa.
  • Visa: Before arriving in Ireland to pursue their studies, foreign students must submit an application for a student visa. It’s crucial to start the visa application procedure long before the anticipated departure date because the process might take some time.

Individual universities may have extra criteria for overseas students in addition to these broad standards. For instance, some institutions could demand that applicants pass an admission test or submit a personal statement. It is crucial to inquire about the precise criteria from the school you are interested in.


scholarships in ireland

There are many scholarships available for international students in Ireland.
  • Irish Government Scholarships: These scholarships are offered by the Irish government to international students who are studying at a recognized third-level institution in Ireland. They are available for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and cover the full cost of tuition fees and living expenses.
  • Chevening Scholarships: These scholarships are offered by the British government to international students who are studying at a master’s level in the UK. They cover the full cost of tuition fees, living expenses, and travel expenses.
  • Fulbright Scholarships: These scholarships are offered by the US government to international students who are studying at a master’s or PhD level in the US. They cover the full cost of tuition fees, living expenses, and travel expenses.
  • Erasmus Mundus Scholarships: These scholarships are offered by the European Union to international students who are studying at a master’s level in Europe. They cover the full cost of tuition fees, living expenses, and travel expenses.
These are just a few examples of the many scholarships that are available for international students in Ireland. To find out more about scholarships that are specific to your field of study, you can contact the admissions office of the university or college that you are interested in attending. You can also explore for other available scholarships online.

post study work schemes in ireland

  • A government-sponsored initiative called the Post-Study Work Scheme (PSW) enables foreign graduates of Irish universities and colleges to remain and work in Ireland for up to 24 months after receiving their degrees. Since the PSW visa is non-renewable, you cannot keep it longer than the initial 24-month period.
  • Be a non-citizen of the EU, EEA, or Switzerland in order to qualify for the PSW visa.
  • have completed a full-time degree program of at least one year’s duration at an Irish university or institution.
  • Holding a legitimate employment offer from a company in Ireland
  • Irish language proficiency at the Level 4 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • If you meet the requirements, you may submit an online application for the PSW visa with the Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service (INIS). There is a €300 application fee.
  • As soon as you’ve been given a PSW visa, you can begin working in Ireland. Any employer, in any industry, will hire you. The amount of hours you can work is unrestricted.
  • You can be qualified to apply for a Critical Skills Employment Permit (CSEP) if you have been employed in Ireland for two years on a PSW visa.
  • A highly skilled work visa known as the CSEP enables you to live and work in Ireland permanently. You must have a job offer from a qualified company in a critical skills occupation to be qualified for a CSEP.
  • If you are given a CSEP, you are allowed to stay and work in Ireland permanently. After five years of nonstop residency in Ireland, you may also submit an application for Irish citizenship.
  • You can live and work in Ireland permanently with the Green Card, which is a type of permanent residency visa. You must fulfill a number of conditions in order to be qualified for a Green Card, such as:
  • Live in Ireland and have done so for at least 5 years.
  • possess strong Irish language skills (Level 4 on the CEFR)
  • live in Ireland and have done so for at least 5 years.
  • possess strong Irish language skills (Level 4 on the CEFR)
  • own a perfect criminal history
  • possess a job offer from an acceptable employer
  • You can use the INIS to submit an application for a Green Card if you are qualified. There is a €1,000 application fee.
A wonderful approach to guarantee your long-term future in Ireland is to obtain a Green Card. It grants you the right to seek for Irish citizenship as well as the freedom to live and work in Ireland indefinitely.

post study word permit in ireland

  • International students may be entitled to apply for a post-study work visa after completing a full-time, third-level programme in Ireland. The level of the course successfully completed determines the length of the post-study employment permit.
    • Degree of Bachelor: six months
    • Honours Degree of Bachelor: 12 months
    • Master’s degree or postgraduate diploma: 24 months
    • 30 months for a doctorate
  • Graduates can work in any job in Ireland with a post-study work permit, regardless of whether the job is on the Critical Skills Occupations List. The license cannot be renewed.
  • Graduates must: Have received written notification from the appropriate awarding organization or institution that they have attained the award for which they had enrolled as students in order to be eligible for a post-study work visa.
  • Hold an up-to-date immigration registration card and a current Stamp 2 student immigration authorization.
  • When the appropriate awarding authority or university notifies the applicant that they have earned the award for which they had registered as students, they have six months to submit an application.
  • A new visa stamp, Stamp 1G, is given to graduates who are given a post-study employment permit. As a result, they are able to work in Ireland while they have a permit and then apply for a Stamp 4 (General Employment Permit) when it expires.

The post-study work permit is a fantastic way for foreign students to get job experience in Ireland and network with people who can help them find future employment. Additionally, it is a crucial step in acquiring Irish permanent residency.

cost of living in ireland for international students

The cost of living in Ireland can vary depending on the city you live in, your lifestyle, and your budget. However, in general, you can expect to spend around €1,000–€1,500 per month on living expenses as an international student. Here is a breakdown of some of the major expenses you will need to budget for:
  • Accommodation: This is the biggest expense for most international students. The cost of accommodation in Ireland can vary greatly, but you can expect to pay anywhere from €400 to €1,000 per month for a single room in a shared apartment.
  • Food: The cost of food in Ireland is also relatively high. You can expect to spend around €200–€300 per month on groceries.
  • Transport: The cost of public transport in Ireland is relatively affordable. You can buy a Leap Card, which allows you to travel on buses, trains, and trams for a discounted rate. A Leap Card costs €5 to purchase and €20 per week for unlimited travel.
  • Social activities: The cost of social activities in Ireland can vary depending on your interests. However, you can expect to spend around €100–€200 per month on going out to eat, going to the movies, and participating in other activities.
In addition to these major expenses, you may also need to budget for other costs, such as:
  • Books and stationery: €50–€100 per semester
  • Phone and internet: €50–€100 per month
  • Personal care items: €50–€100 per month
  • Clothing and footwear: €100–€200 per month
  • Travel insurance: €50–€100 per year
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